Thursday, March 3, 2011

Moral Code Catches Up With BYU Basketball Star

Moral codes are something of an enigma in today's society. While most might think that these mostly verbal, sometimes written rule books of society might only exist in prison yards, gangs and the occasional pirate movie, one college basketball star is finding out the hard way that you just don't screw with "the code," no pun intended.

On Monday, BYU basketball player Brandon Davies admitted to having sex with his girlfriend, a staunch violation of the BYU school moral code, which includes no drinking, tobacco and yes, no sex.

The penalty for Davies actions has included being kicked off the team, possible expulsion from the team next year and even a chance of being kicked out of school.

So tell us Brandon, was it worth it?

Too many people today sign their name or put their hand over their heart while pledging to some greater moral cause only to have their fingers crossed behind their back. Hopefully NCAA athletes across the country will be looking at the example of Davies and realize that codes, whether they be fore schools of businesses, are not something to simply toss aside while you enjoy that which you really want. It's time to start building leaders, not scum.

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