Saturday, February 12, 2011

Algerian Goverment Following in Egypt's Fatal Footsteps

The Algerian govt. shut down the internet and Facebook accounts on Saturday in response to a social media induced civil uprising similar to the recent Egyptian protest.

Apparently, the Algerian heads of state have not been watching how events have unfolded for their nearby neighbors. Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak formally stepped down from his 30 year position of power Friday after weeks of passionate and sometimes violent protests rumored to be initially organized by social media interactions. Mubarak had also ordered the countries internet infrastructure to be shut down in an attempt to halt the influence of several social media sites on the uprising.

With Algeria now on the verge of falling into a similar social media fueled revolt, other neighboring nations in the middle east are sure to have their eyes glued to the events which will unfold in an attempt to gain possible knowledge on how to handle such situations in their own countries.

These recent events have not only proven that social media sites such as Facebook, Flicker and Youtube are growing more popular than ever world wide, but also are now giving many around the world evidence of social media's power to influence, motivate and change the attitudes of millions of people around the world.

In my opinion, every govt. on the planet had better begin to keep a close eye on the exchanges and conversations made about them online. If they don't, they too might soon find out just how powerful online interaction are becoming everyday.

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